Thursday, September 1, 2011

Time Escapes

Ever feel like time is escaping. Wowzer this summer went by fast! However...I must admit I am looking forward to school starting again.

I'm happy for September 1st. It's a new month. The last 1/4 of the year. Not to mention it's the beginning of the "busy season"...AKA the school year. I'm looking at our busy calendar for September thinking "here we go kiddos."

Kylee is going to be starting 2nd grade at Chambers Prairie Elementary school this year. After many many many sleepless nights on my part trying to figure out private or public we decided not to send her back to St. Michael and stick with Chambers Prairie. In two years the cost for both kids per school year at St. Mikes would be near $8300. It just isn't feasible for us...not now and I doubt in 2 years. Now I just have to figure out how to keep Kylee in a bubble of "goodness". HA HA.

Kylee had a great teacher last year! Thank you Mrs. Myers! This year she is looking forward to a fabulous year with Mrs. Killogh for 2nd grade(sounds like pillow but with a K). Kylee reminded me of that several times yesterday when I kept saying it wrong. We met Mrs. Killough lastnight at open house and she seems awesome! Kylee found her desk and got all of her supplies settled for the first day! She is stoked about not switching schools and being able to wear "her style" as she says. I'm looking forward to helping in the classroom when I can and getting more involved with the PTA etc. I think a big part of what I missed from St. Mike's is the involvement of'm just going to force myself in and being involved. Looking forward to meeting new people!

Mr. Brody is going to start preschool at Horizons Elementary beginning September 13. He will go on Tues/Thur/Fri from 12:00-2:35pm. Do you hear me yelling "THANK YOU GOD" for some peace during those days. That little man can be a stubborn booger! That's right...I said booger. But I love him regardless. The school district only does special ed and integrated preschool where you have non special needs kids and special needs kids. Brody will be part of an intergrated class. I'm looking forward to see how my little man handles being away from mommy. Kylee had no issues at all, but the other day Brody hid behind me when we met his teacher and didn't say a word. In the car he told me I would stay at school with him. HA! Mommy is dropping his butt off and running for the silence! Woo hoo! =-)

As for our third child Zoey...she will be attending doggy school very very soon with mommy as soon as I can figure out a class schedule that will work with the rest of our schedules we have going on. As many times as I may have wanted to get rid of that is undeniable that we all love her no matter how many times we call her a stupid dog in one day. She is our pretty girl...ask Brody...he'll tell ya. Chris and Josh finally solved the fence problem this week and now Zoey can roam free in the backyard and is a much happier girl...and mama Amber is much happier now as well...even though Zoey still manages to find trouble.

Daddy Christopher is busy busy working over 40 hours at SS Landscaping working with the special projects division. In addition to that he is working almost 30 hours per week at Home Depot. On his days off I usually have him running around doing something or we need to be he has no spare time unless I schedule him some down time off of work.

Then me. Still working 40 hours from home for the same company. I was unsure if I was going back to school...but after I found out I was no longer on the waitlist for Biology 241 and in the class(which I had been wanting to get into for over a year) I decided I would return this quarter. I will be taking the BIO 241 on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:00-9:20pm along with an online Statistics cours (God help me on that one). If I have any hopes of getting into nursing school I have to get a good grade in BIO 241. We shall see. And can you believe the books for BIO 241 are $300. Whoa mama...hopefully it's good for BIO 242 as well.

As the school year begins, as does my Girl Scout year. I will most likely be heading up a Brownie Girl Scout troop for Kylee. Need to get all my ducks in a row for that. Last year was my first year as the volunteer Service Unit Manager for the Central/Downtown Olympia troops and I will continue this year with my co-manager. What do we do? Basically we recruit, support and guide our team of volunteers (leaders) to deliver the Girl Scout experience in the area...something like that. I enjoyed it last year so I'm going to give it a whirl again.

We gave up our Seahawk tickets this year. BOOOOO! But we had to cut costs and we're saving for a trip to Jamaica in May to see my brother Mike and his fiance Katie get married! Yahoo!!! Our Sundays are not busy with that anymore...but I will still be glued to the TV screaming in Seahawk gear.

Kylee has a huge imagination. She wants to do hip hop dance, basketball, soccer, cheerleading, guitar, tennis, volleyball, swimming and just about anything she can possibly try. We are definately starting up swimming again and possilby volleyball at the YMCA. She did soccer a few times but it didn't seem to be her thing. I love volleyball so I'm all for it. HA HA! Besides...I got a tall kid...if we can groom her to love volleyball and basketball...sweet! Brody seems like he'd love to run and play some soccer, so maybe we'll give it a try for him along with some swimming lessons. I like to add more to the plate ya know.

This is also the year Brody will start Sunday School at St. Michael's and Kylee will begin year of preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. We have our first parent meeting for that on September 25 and then I believe she attends weekly classes until the big day in May.

Whew! Did you get all of that?

We certainly have enjoyed summer vacation. We've seen lots of places and great people. Love spending time with family from near and far across the country. God has blessed us with some awesome family and friends! Chris and I are truly thankful for each and everyone of you.

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